Unlock discounts on everyday transactions by participating in quick, simple promotional campaigns. Choose your preferred way to earn – watch a short ad or complete an easy task. Get instant rewards and make your money work harder for you.
Select a promotional campaign that suits you — watch a short video ad or complete a quick task.
Participate in the campaign, which could be as simple as watching a 15-30 second video or finishing a task in 30-180 seconds.
Once completed, your reward is instantly applied to your ongoing purchase, saving you money right away.
Why pay full price when you can save? Basedpay rewards you with instant discounts just for participating in simple campaigns, putting money back into your pocket on every transaction.
Service providers can boost their revenue by offering Basedpay discounts to their customers. Plus, with our data insights, providers can access collateral-free loans based on purchase volume, helping them grow their businesses with ease.
Basedpay introduces Web3 projects to a whole new audience outside of traditional platforms like Twitter and Telegram. Our platform expands user acquisition, making it easier for projects to find and engage new users who may not be familiar with blockchain technology.
Users who return to Web3 projects beyond their initial engagement are identified as high-interest users, allowing projects to target them with further promotions such as airdrops and NFTs, boosting long-term engagement.